Sunday, December 8, 2013

Democrat or Republican?

Who are you? Are you a Democrat, or a Republican?

In our government, the decision-makers are separated into two categories. This is a challenging debate. Many Americans believe the two political groups to be inappropriate for government flow. George Washington did say before his resignation that we should beware of political groups and that they should not occur. "Beware of the two party system." Most American do not think that the Democrats and Republicans are representing the majority, but the extremist minorities. This may be true, and Washington is correct. The two party system only causes turmoil and long-waited laws to come out of the Senate. However, I feel that arguments and discrepancies would occur without the two party system. And obviously, people will still disagree with one another in government regardless of any side people are on. The two party system would exist even if we got rid of it some miraculous way. There will always be people that have differing ideas and thoughts than others- even in government. I know that this is what government is for: to resolve all conflicting perceptions and make them one compromised law. Government is ideally a compromise. Without this compromise, we would have no government, no order, and no country. If you ask me, I think the American government is good as it is according to political parties. Let's keep it this way.

On the idea of deciding to be a Democrat and Republican, many people claim themselves independent. When election time comes, people change from independent to whatever the party is that falls under the president they are voting for. This allows the voters to be even more extensive and active in the voting process. When the election and voting day/time ends, the voter will then change their political party back to independent. I am OK with the independent title. If one does not reside with either group, then it is fair to be away from them both. In fact, I commend who ever does this, because it means that the person is thinking of where there are in government and thinking about the political process in general.

Democrat, Republican, or Independent, it is always very important to be active and alert in our government, especially when we do not agree with how something is set up and put together.

Dreams Without Money

Blog made on September 1st

When life gives you lemons, why start with lemonade? Whatever life places in our hands, do we have to use it? If we do, I'd rather make lemon drops, or lemon cake. I would like to be out of the ordinary. Life in the world today relies on the strength of money according to success. Dreaming a dream job without money in mind is a little bit of a struggle for me. The reason for this is because I do not want a job at all, I want to be a traveling wanderer. New York's sights and car horns, Switzerland's wavy hills and smooth chocolate, and the memory foamed sand of the shore. Ask me where I would like to work the most and I would think about it. I'm still not sure. I know I want to be in the next famous band as lead but who knows if that would ever happen? Noone just makes the NBA and the NASA squad, it's all about luck and practice. I have the practice part down, but I need to work on the luck part. But imagine that: me in an all-time band? I would be so happy I'd rock myself to an Emmy Award no problem. But how do I get there? I could send some clips to MGM and Hollywood Records and try to be the next Joe Bro, or maybe jam my way through college and get seen by a special agent from a headquarters in California. I would find my band members on the border of Memphis and begin our rockstar legend. With my companions, we would rule the music world, conquering town after town, city after city, and then state after state, and then spanning the entire globe to prove one point: we can rock peoples' socks off. I would not mind being an architect either, as long as I don't have to do the math. I'll think up the creative ideas and how it will work with rough estimates of weight and size, but not the exact measurements that go along with it. I have always dreamed of making tree houses for a living. Not regular wooden boxes laying in a tree, but beautiful, well thought through, amazing tree houses that a kid could marvel at. I watched Extreme Tree Houses once on HGTV and loved seeing all the interesting ideas. But what I'll make is better. I dream of marvelous oaks with diamond shaped windows and sunlit green rooms. Smoothie machines, cinemas, and presidential suites line these tree houses. Just recently, I thought of making a treehouse at Wartburg for a project of some sort. This tree would be fake and wrap around a chain of tree houses that you must climb a ladder to get on. The houses are reserved for study only, not for sleeping in. Now, if I could do anything without worry of money, this is all I would do.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tax Man

"Cause I'm the tax man. Yeah, I'm the tax maaaaan....."
The Beatles.

Most people do not like to pay taxes. Others pay taxes with the idea that they are benefiting and doing good for our country. Our revolution against Europe was caused by numerous things, but taxation without representation was one of them. The historical "Tea Party" is an example of this, where Americans threw tea overboard cargo ships that were heavily taxed by the British in Boston Harbor. Now, free and our own country, we still carry taxes today. However, we now have taxation with representation, meaning that we are taxed for the strength and well-being of our own country. It is no longer taxation without representation. Today, a big question according to taxes has to do with wealth. Should the wealthier be taxed heavier? I think that I would not think it was fair if I was rich and was taxed more heavily than the poor. I worked for that money, and if I wanted to give more to the government, I would do so by choice, not by force. Though this is a plausible idea to pay for our government expenses, is it moral? Or is it moral for the rich to keep their extensive money for themselves? This is quite a hard topic to give an answer too. Especially when the people making the laws and regulations may not have been in the shoes of the rich and the poor to know what impact an increase in taxes on the rich would have. Another idea could be used from this idea- up to a certain point of revenue, taxes come into effect. This would release tension on the poor but increase tension on the rich. One other idea would be to raise the taxes for everyone completely, but I would rather that not happen. But if an increase in funds to the government is needed, then I think this would be the lesser of evils. If everyone's taxes are raised equally, then business is fair. Then, this may be a form of communism. In communistic societies and countries, everyone is paid the same, no matter what the job is. Should everyone be taxed the same? To be more specific, I think that taxes should be based on property and ownership of objects. These taxes could be different, depending on the expense of the houses and objects. I think this might be the best option- taxes should be based on ownership and the quality of these things owned. I may be wrong, but I find this to be feasible right now.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Relevant Religions

There are three religions that have so much similarity: Christianity, Muslim faith, and Jewish faith. Christians believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. The Jewish believe Jesus Christ as a prophet. The Muslims believe in Allah, or one central God over all. I am surprised by how closely related these religions are. I did not realize this until our small group discussion in Scholars 101 last week. I hope that I always keep this in mind, because although these three religions have different perceptions and ideals, they tie so well together. Muslims were heavily persecuted during the 9/11 terrorist attack. What was not kept in mind was that all Muslims are not alike. Most Muslims practice the faith according to Allah, not the mass killings of innocent people. This was an unfair persecution from us as Americans, but who else were we supposed to point fingers at? Anyway, the Jewish were not treated so well either. Germany had there hand on them for a long time with horrible repercussions. It is those times that we all look back and dread for the wronged Jewish. The Christians were not quite oppressed, unless you include the Quakers, who came to America to practice their faith freely. The Quakers did not, however, stress the same qualities of Christianity. The Quakers were firm in tradition, and did not budge from historical works. Christianity can change from tradition, as long as faith is being practiced by oneself. What an interesting phenomena! I should have been more aware of this. And another thing- religions usually contain some sort of sentiment along the lines of good and bad. If your good, you are rewarded- if you are bad, then you face heavy consequences. It could be the act of going up or down the ladder of prestige in the next life, the amount of riches received after this life, or if heaven will be home after death, it is nice to know that the world religions want us to be better people.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Name is Khan

What a great movie! I love the idea. This movie clearly shows that people with religious and physical/mental minorities can be implemented in society, depending on level of minority, and tells us that everyone should be treated fairly. I also love the romance idea to the movie, although I hate to admit it. When you think about it, how Khan is trying to see the president, he is really going after his dreams. I mean, who would have the mindset to meet the president on their own and go with it methodically? Well, a lot of people. But the way Khan is pursuing this dream, and because no one else really feels the same way he does, it is quite surprising. I am so glad I had a chance to watch this movie.  What intrigues me is that Khan has had no way to communicate he feelings when he was a kid, but has grown to understand how to show his feelings through actions, words, and writings. This story can be used in our own lives:

First off, be kind to others that may seem different then you. If we treat each other in a kind manner, than we can learn from one another and grow with this experience. Mingling with others is key to success. I find it very exciting and interesting to talk with random people. Of course, it makes the situation less awkward, such as standing in a long line or waiting for something, but it also gives me great insight on my outside world and what I can do with my impact in the world everyday.

Second, love can be found anywhere. Whether by looks, personality, time and place, or all 3: love is not a set thing. Usually, I tell myself: the girl that I will marry will be this, this and this, but in reality, the woman I marry may be someone I have never dreamed of.

Third, fear is only a frame of mind. If we step past our fear, we can help diminish the barrier between our dreams and the place we want to be. I love playing ukulele for people and an audience. This is mainly because I feel a sense of accomplishment; I feel that every performance makes me better. It is as if I think to myself, 'For every performance, I could play for the world." I like to think this way.

What a great choice! My Name is Khan is informative on the matter of minorities and our everyday life.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Previously in Scholars #1

Previously in Scholars 101...

We had a discussion in our small groups about a group called the gypsies. I may add that the word "gypsy" can encompass various groups of people, with both similar qualities and drastic differences. Just as an airplane can be classified as an airship, but their are some airplanes that can drive on water- so is the variety of individuals that are included in the name "gypsy." Now, gypsies have a harsh stereotype under their name. The rumors spread and say that gypsies live to travel, steal and own nice things, and believe in predetermined marriage. The dislike for gypsies is so immense that students may not be allowed to enroll in school in Europe. From my experience, I have noticed stereotypical gypsies in America. These people I met cam from Arkansas, wore very nice clothes, and had really nice things. They moved constantly, maybe at least once every year. The people around me explained the stereotype of these individuals, and I could understand what they were talking about. I could see what they were saying. Stereotypes can be daunting... I am sure that there are people who may call themselves gypsies or not, but all people are different. Not one gypsy is alike. Perhaps, our stereotypical thoughts are actually something of the past, or may not be true at all.

Summary Points

  • Gypsies can either be a stereotype classification or a word that they call themselves
  • Gypsies do not need to believe similarly together
  • Gypsies can be seen in across the world
  • Gypsies stereotypically travel and steal

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I may be gullible...

But I'm not THAT gullible. Upperclassman think they can make dates and rumors up, but I know something the other freshman don't know. Outfly is not tomorrow. "It's tomorrow, it's tomorrow!" Pfft, what a joke. If it was tomorrow, it would be every day the past month. Zach Sommers said that too, and he's the one who made the date. Here are a list of facts that I know Outfly consists of:

FACT #1: Outfly is real
FACT #2: Outfly is before the weather gets too cold
FACT #3: Outfly will be when everyone least expects it

Looking at the facts, it is clear that Outfly is certainly uncertain. No one will know when Outfly is, because it is possible that the Outfly decision makers, including the president of Outfly, can change the date if need be. Outfly was supposed to be last Tuesday, but the weather was too unpleasant to continue with the plans. Therefore, Outfly was changed to a later date. Why not change the date once more, when everyone believes Outfly to be tomorrow? I'll tell you one thing- if I were student body president of Wartburg, I would make sure that people were surprised. When the whole campus, including teachers, assume classes being dismissed the next day, I would make sure to have some fun with the power I have in choosing the Outfly date.

Let's be honest, I would love Outfly to be tomorrow. I wish it would have been today, but we need to use our cognitive thinking as freshman. Look around you: do you hear everyone talking about Outfly? It's true, and you may have joined them, but remember: Outfly will never be when everyone thinks it is. What fun would that be? I understand that we all know when Christmas is, but it is the idea of wondering exactly when the presents arrive. We'll never know when the presents get here, or when Outfly gets here. Get homework done and plenty of rest, and who knows? Tomorrow could be a great day without any work to do whatsoever, and it just so happens to be Outfly. Me, however, I am betting someone five bones that Outfly is not tomorrow, so let us agree to disagree it is not tomorrow, but instead, Friday.

Yay for Outfly!!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Vote

The right to vote is a blessing to us as Americans. In various other countries, the right to vote is no right whatsoever, or if it is, the system of government may be biased and corrupted. No matter what the cost, the right to vote should be given to all available and allegeable citizens of America. The question of who in America can vote, regarding illegal aliens, is a hard one to answer. Opinions will come and go, but the real answer is hidden somewhere in the constitution. Everyone has a right to liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In my opinion, may it come or go, is that non-citizens should have the right to vote. Not only this, but should be able to become citizens more cheaply and essentially less complicated than it is today. In the scope of America, the votes given by immigrants of illegal traverse will only boost voter turnout with good intentions of the people. Perhaps some of the population of illegal immigrants may not know all there is to know about the current election, but in the vote, usually there are good intentions. As America, I think it is our duty to appropriately and intelligently accept who we can through the country and allow them the vote with trust and responsibility.

The voting age, to my thought, is in a perfect place. The age of eighteen is the beginning of adulthood where youth begin the finding of their passions and the establishment of their beliefs. Though, to be admitted in the army, one must be eighteen. To consume alcohol, youth must be twenty-one. These age differences are a bit misunderstandable, however, the voting age is at an accurate position.

One must think of when women received the right to vote in 1920 through the 19th amendment. As America, this was a necessary and probable cause to support. Equality of the sexes is imperative, especially according the vote.

The vote has many positives surrounding it today in America. I believe that there are minimal difficulties and problems in voting today. However, the electoral college has a say that the citizens of America may not. Though, Americans vote for the electoral college to make decisions. They have the ability to say, "neigh," to a states overall vote, which is quite an enormous power. Besides this recurring thought, many good things encompass the vote.

Dream Big

Dream big- how else are we going to get anywhere? Start with what you have, and go for whatever you want to see come true in life. Its like putting a mound of clay in your hand, putting it on a pottery rack, and forming it with your hands until it is to your liking. Although, sometimes our pottery glass cracks in the furnace, we may not be physically able to make another, or our clay runs out. Just as the clay smooths and forms in our hands, so is the way of our dreams.

Dream big
Why freeze our thoughts?
Connect the hopes you find
D                           C
And create them a timeline

Dream big
Discover the ladder
Climb for the air you seek
D                    C
Breathe in the light so deep

Find your call
When your falling through
The ground where you
Know there's one thing to do

D (Power Chord)
We shine,
Brighter than the whole earth moves
D (Power Chord)
With the sun,
Creating a world so new
Than before,
The darkness was over the sky
D (Power Chord)
We shine,
                           A          D
Brighter than the soaring tide

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thoughts on "The Independent Project"

As we discussed in class, I would have to agree that "The Independent Project" would be ideal in the senior year of high school. This would help students figure out what they want to do with the rest of there life in a faster manner. Instead of going through the motions in the last year of high school, why not use the year to explore? Perhaps find the dream you were dreaming of?

However, another point I have come a crossed in my mind is the idea of college in itself. College is "The Independent Project" in its truest form. Where else can one learn what they want to do, and get a recognition for it? In this light, it could be quite intelligent to think of college as the dream outlet. The idea of being graded for an individualized goal is the intention of college.

Looking at both of these points, which one should we prefer and implement? That is for you to decide. For me, college is "The Independent Project." Someone may have come along and said, "what if we had students study what they were interested in? Wouldn't that be a great idea?" Yes, it would, but it was already created.

In argument, "The Independent Project" in its beginnings prompted students to continue their education to highly respected colleges. These students not only found a passion, but continued it on throughout their future career. This outcome is very impressive, and therefore could be a proof of the positives in "The Independent Project."

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Tracking is currently used in parts of Europe, for example. Tracking creates an alteration to standard education by separating and growing to students in what they are best at. At an early age, teachers put students into classes that focus on one subject. This subject is what the student can complete most accurately and successfully. In my opinion, Tracking is similar to the communist system. They both have good intentions for a perfect world, but do not show complete positives.

Here is how tracking is great:

  • The workforce is stronger with people that are truly talented in their fields.
  • The school system will find what a student is proficient in at an early age.
  • Students learn with students that are on their same level and same subject continuously through schooling.
  • Teachers work with like-minded students and therefore do not need to work with "falling-behind" students.
  • School testing is increasingly higher because students are studying a subject they understand well.
Here is how tracking is bad:
  • Students have a harder time strengthening there passions rather than their starting strengths.
As you can see, there are more negatives than positives. With this in mind, it may be hard to believe that I think tracking is...


I love making music, and I love getting better at what I love. Although I may not be as good at music than I am at history, I want these to be reversed. Music should be my strength, not history. 

I hope that tracking does not limit people to what they do not want to do, but gives them the choice to succeed in something they love to do.

FIRPA: Should your parents know if you are failing out of college?

The many parents who care about how their son/daughter does in high school is a natural phenomenon.  Good parents will work with their child and their child's school to make sure that grades are where they should be. In college, the reigns go to the student. The student works with various college groups and help facilities in order to raise their grades at an appropriate level. If a student is failing and may be at risk of leaving the college, parents need to be notified if they fall under the following two categories.

Normally, parents work with their incoming college student on payments for college. They may set up a plan together so that both the son/daughter and the parents pay for college together. Because the parents could be investing a lot of money in their child's education, if the child is failing, the parents have a right to know. Just like a donor wants to know where the money is going, a parent wants to make sure that their student is using their money to the fullest possible potential.

Another possibility is that the college student has had some sort of schooling help that he/she required in order to pass school successfully. Parents could be told that their college student is failing and very well could be taken from college, in this case. This is positive because the parents may know a solution to the problem and can make choices based on previous help that the student needed in K-12.

Now, if a student is completely independent by: paying for college, paying for lodging, paying for books, and by taking all necessary help when possible, no parent needs to be told about failing grades.

As an educational system, the system makes discretion of grades between all students. It is common for teachers to hand tests back upside down so that peers do not see what the grade is. If a parent does not have any control of their child, they do not need to know if they are failing out of college.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homework and Hospitalization: A New Beginning

I think it is about time for a new beginning. After my last blog on "Homework and Hospitalization," things have not gotten much better for me. I have slept even less, have worked minimally on homework, and find myself wishing I was better prepared during class. So, in the beginning of this week, when things started to look ugly, what did a typical day look like?

Step 1: The alarm buzzes
Step 2: No, seriously, alarm. Stop.
Step 3: OK, jeez, I'm waking up
Step 4: Today is going to be awful, when did I get to bed?
Step 5: I need to get this reading assignment done for class in an hour
Step 6: I didn't get it done, but I'll do it tomorrow, or the next day
Step 7: No, why did I not practice piano?
Step 8: Aghh... what happened to make me so lazy?
Step 9: That girl is pretty cute
Step 10: It's 11:00, at least I got half of my homework done

Would it not be a gift from heaven to have unlimited time on homework? I mean, the time would freeze when I would need to get homework done. Then, I would have time for friends, for a nice nap, and all would be right with the world. If this does not happen I will need to come up with a routine that finishes homework and gives me nap time.

I love to make music! I make songs left and right whenever I can, but that doesn't correspond with any of my homework. It might be where I spend 25% of my free time. 50% with friends, 15% with ensembles and groups, and 10% on homework.

Look, I know I need to change. I wish I could, and I sincerely want to be a student that sees school as a job. I am spending money to be here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Thoughts on "White Man's Burden"

This movie is set in past America, most likely in the 1960s. The main idea is that blacks take the role of whites in this past time. It is very interesting to see the mirrored examples of racial stereotypes. The main character, white, loses his family, loses his house, and his job. He tries to find a job with job searchers, but he has no luck whatsoever. He then takes hostage the person that caused his troubles, as one might say, and tries to make him pay cash for all that the main character lost.

Although an interesting idea, "White Man's Burden" is only replaying the past that we all know. The reason I believe that this movie is confusing is that I do not know the objectives the creators are trying to achieve. Is the movie supporting the idea that all races are equally critizised? Do the authors want to show that racism would occur no matter which race was placed where? Or was this movie just made to inspire thinking and conversation?

The screenplay could have been of better quality, and the acting could have been considerably better also. Perhaps the movie was not given enough credit, but it could have been produced much more intelligently. More intelligently through storyline, acting, and cinematography. The story sketch seems relatively short and slow. There aren't very many surprises either.

The movie could have been something more, but the objective is transparent nonetheless.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Homework and Hospitalization

"Homework- Hospitalization," do these words go together? I was hoping they wouldn't for me. They are now.

Look, I'm a great student, but that doesn't mean I face the consequences of homework being a big pain. Like a demanding sport, there is great reward, but it hurts something awful. A typical day for me looks like this:

Step 1: Go to class
Step 2: When is lunch at again?
Step 3: Eat
Step 4: Hang out with friends
Step 5: Go to Band
Step 6: Practice piano and percussion? Pffft not today.
Step 7: Hang out with friends
Step 8: Do I have a lot of homework?
Step 9: That girl is pretty cute
Step 10: It's 11:00 and I haven't done much homework for Wednesday yet?

Like a clock thrown out of the window, time quickly leaves my gaze. In time's defense, however, I had enough time in the first place. Now it's time to make a schedule, one that I can focus on and complete successfully. As a music therapy/music ed major, homework is everything. It fills up time and tells me to say no when my friends want to hang out, and tells me I cannot when I want to play video games.

As a high school student, life wasn't much different for me. Homework came and went, but I never went with it- until the very last minute. It's such a hilarious process. Everyone wants Outfly to be the day of a test or exam, or even that homework is due. But unfortunately and realistically, Outfly does not erase the test, exam, or homework due date. All it does is create another day to worry about it and do it. So instead of waiting for the end of the day, why not do homework during the day and wait for the end of your movie at the end of the day, or whatever it is that you want to do, and get some quality sleep.

Sleep: what another important topic that goes along with homework every so wonderfully. "A page of homework a day keeps the sandman from break." - Andrew Hoyt. This quote explains that if you do your homework at the time is should be done during the day, sleep will be yours for the taking. It is such a true quote, and I wish I would live by it.

Homework has caused me quite a bit of worry, when all I have to do is write my worries away.

The Idea of Welfare

When people go to their local church to give away canned goods, the church then sorts the various kinds of fruit and veggies to make readily accessible. After this is complete, the hungry come to the church to receive some portion of these canned goods according to their specific needs. The church continues this process every week of every year, and often, some of the same hungry groups of people come to have their share of the charities.

This is an example of welfare in a positive light. If people looked at welfare in this way, who could argue against it? Well, that is exactly the point that is coming a crossed: why won't the people getting food rations get a job?

The primary problem in welfare is not in the way it is done, but the way it is missused. Of course there are people who use the system that are honest, like J. R. R. Tolkien of The Hobbit. Tolkien speaks of the beauty in welfare, because without it, he would be unable to feed or house himself. Now, of course, he does not use it, but he used welfare appropriately. Others, however, use welfare as a way to keep themselves up without working. This group consists of the negatives in the welfare program. They do not treat the gift the way it was meant to be.

If we could look at these two points together, the good and the bad, we would see that there is a problem theoretically in the people, not the actual program. But if we look at this realistically, how can we change the people who use welfare wrongingly? Individual inspect each welfare recipient? It is just not possible. It is a matter of morals, not charts or graphs. So all we can do is keep it running, and hope welfare reaches the people who really need it more than all the others.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dam Collapse in Colorado

When the topic of the flood in Colorado came up in our Scholars discussion, I didn't know what to think. I have never faced much in my life according to death, loss of property, or loss of finances. Truly, I am blessed. I sometimes wish that I could relate to people so I have more of a right to give them  my condolences. After all, I've only been a kid recently-just a kid who doesn't understand what everyone else does. And now that I'm older, I can relate more, but alas... I cannot relate to a terrible occurrence I had in my own life. When the time comes and when I face something horrible, I wonder how I will take it.

Although I cannot share my own story, I do feel very passionate in making people feel better. It not only gives them a smile, but me a smile in return. Music Therapy is just the way to do this my whole life, where I can play music for people and give them a smile anytime I see it gone.

A trip to Colorado would be so beneficial and so much fun! We could help build after some of the water is gone during the winter or the spring. I think it would be a great experience we all would be grateful for too. Kelsey would lead the group, perhaps, and tell us where help may be needed most. Or, we could go through a help group already present in Boulder, Colorado and see what they would like us to do.

With all the problems we face as people, I hope there are people there to comfort them and help them get through.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Environment Hero

I am the Environment Hero. Recycling is my middle name. I know all there is to know with the environment, and all there is to know to save the world. With the help of my many sidekicks, all can be made well on this planet. Many of my sidekicks are listed here:

With the inspiration of Giora Kariv, an inventor and constructor, a bike can now be made entirely out of cardboard. This bike only costs $9 to $12 to build, and depletes the need for heavy metals. Bryce Edmonds has created a company called "ReCycle." This bike business manufactures bikes made from 100% recycled aluminum and can be purchased in one of three models. The factory takes 95% less energy and makes 95% less CO2 emissions than other bike factories. Spanish design studio “Lola Madrid” has followed a similar bike path. This creative crew has picked and sorted through car scraps to make reliable bikes. Recycled car parts are the main ingredients that put the bikes together for the brand "Bicycled," and these bicycles are really slick. "Frii" is another great bike company. These friends of mine make bikes made completely from recycled plastic. Mind you, it may look a bit... noticeable, but it saves much of the environment! It is good to keep in mind that a bike, in the idea of itself, is eco-friendly. And these bikes mentioned above are not just a nice way to skip a car ride, but they are physically environmentally smart in the way they are built, the scraps that make it so, and the mass distribution of them all.

In the spirit of the fight for the environment, Al Gore is a prime example of an activist for green. He doesn’t construct bikes made from tin foil, but he explains the negatives of fossil fuel emissions and the green house effect that the emissions cause. He has many charts, graphs, and pictures that question some of the validity of his speeches. But nevertheless, the eco-word must be brought to attention. Exaggerations or facts, we need to understand as an intelligent people that something is at hand in the world today, and riding a cardboard bike might make the world feel a little better.

Once again, I am the Environment Hero. If in need of environmental help of any sort, just put up the leaf light. I will be there as fast as my recycled bike can take me.


Movie: An Inconvenient Truth