Monday, October 14, 2013

The Vote

The right to vote is a blessing to us as Americans. In various other countries, the right to vote is no right whatsoever, or if it is, the system of government may be biased and corrupted. No matter what the cost, the right to vote should be given to all available and allegeable citizens of America. The question of who in America can vote, regarding illegal aliens, is a hard one to answer. Opinions will come and go, but the real answer is hidden somewhere in the constitution. Everyone has a right to liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In my opinion, may it come or go, is that non-citizens should have the right to vote. Not only this, but should be able to become citizens more cheaply and essentially less complicated than it is today. In the scope of America, the votes given by immigrants of illegal traverse will only boost voter turnout with good intentions of the people. Perhaps some of the population of illegal immigrants may not know all there is to know about the current election, but in the vote, usually there are good intentions. As America, I think it is our duty to appropriately and intelligently accept who we can through the country and allow them the vote with trust and responsibility.

The voting age, to my thought, is in a perfect place. The age of eighteen is the beginning of adulthood where youth begin the finding of their passions and the establishment of their beliefs. Though, to be admitted in the army, one must be eighteen. To consume alcohol, youth must be twenty-one. These age differences are a bit misunderstandable, however, the voting age is at an accurate position.

One must think of when women received the right to vote in 1920 through the 19th amendment. As America, this was a necessary and probable cause to support. Equality of the sexes is imperative, especially according the vote.

The vote has many positives surrounding it today in America. I believe that there are minimal difficulties and problems in voting today. However, the electoral college has a say that the citizens of America may not. Though, Americans vote for the electoral college to make decisions. They have the ability to say, "neigh," to a states overall vote, which is quite an enormous power. Besides this recurring thought, many good things encompass the vote.

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