Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tax Man

"Cause I'm the tax man. Yeah, I'm the tax maaaaan....."
The Beatles.

Most people do not like to pay taxes. Others pay taxes with the idea that they are benefiting and doing good for our country. Our revolution against Europe was caused by numerous things, but taxation without representation was one of them. The historical "Tea Party" is an example of this, where Americans threw tea overboard cargo ships that were heavily taxed by the British in Boston Harbor. Now, free and our own country, we still carry taxes today. However, we now have taxation with representation, meaning that we are taxed for the strength and well-being of our own country. It is no longer taxation without representation. Today, a big question according to taxes has to do with wealth. Should the wealthier be taxed heavier? I think that I would not think it was fair if I was rich and was taxed more heavily than the poor. I worked for that money, and if I wanted to give more to the government, I would do so by choice, not by force. Though this is a plausible idea to pay for our government expenses, is it moral? Or is it moral for the rich to keep their extensive money for themselves? This is quite a hard topic to give an answer too. Especially when the people making the laws and regulations may not have been in the shoes of the rich and the poor to know what impact an increase in taxes on the rich would have. Another idea could be used from this idea- up to a certain point of revenue, taxes come into effect. This would release tension on the poor but increase tension on the rich. One other idea would be to raise the taxes for everyone completely, but I would rather that not happen. But if an increase in funds to the government is needed, then I think this would be the lesser of evils. If everyone's taxes are raised equally, then business is fair. Then, this may be a form of communism. In communistic societies and countries, everyone is paid the same, no matter what the job is. Should everyone be taxed the same? To be more specific, I think that taxes should be based on property and ownership of objects. These taxes could be different, depending on the expense of the houses and objects. I think this might be the best option- taxes should be based on ownership and the quality of these things owned. I may be wrong, but I find this to be feasible right now.

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