Sunday, September 22, 2013

Homework and Hospitalization

"Homework- Hospitalization," do these words go together? I was hoping they wouldn't for me. They are now.

Look, I'm a great student, but that doesn't mean I face the consequences of homework being a big pain. Like a demanding sport, there is great reward, but it hurts something awful. A typical day for me looks like this:

Step 1: Go to class
Step 2: When is lunch at again?
Step 3: Eat
Step 4: Hang out with friends
Step 5: Go to Band
Step 6: Practice piano and percussion? Pffft not today.
Step 7: Hang out with friends
Step 8: Do I have a lot of homework?
Step 9: That girl is pretty cute
Step 10: It's 11:00 and I haven't done much homework for Wednesday yet?

Like a clock thrown out of the window, time quickly leaves my gaze. In time's defense, however, I had enough time in the first place. Now it's time to make a schedule, one that I can focus on and complete successfully. As a music therapy/music ed major, homework is everything. It fills up time and tells me to say no when my friends want to hang out, and tells me I cannot when I want to play video games.

As a high school student, life wasn't much different for me. Homework came and went, but I never went with it- until the very last minute. It's such a hilarious process. Everyone wants Outfly to be the day of a test or exam, or even that homework is due. But unfortunately and realistically, Outfly does not erase the test, exam, or homework due date. All it does is create another day to worry about it and do it. So instead of waiting for the end of the day, why not do homework during the day and wait for the end of your movie at the end of the day, or whatever it is that you want to do, and get some quality sleep.

Sleep: what another important topic that goes along with homework every so wonderfully. "A page of homework a day keeps the sandman from break." - Andrew Hoyt. This quote explains that if you do your homework at the time is should be done during the day, sleep will be yours for the taking. It is such a true quote, and I wish I would live by it.

Homework has caused me quite a bit of worry, when all I have to do is write my worries away.

The Idea of Welfare

When people go to their local church to give away canned goods, the church then sorts the various kinds of fruit and veggies to make readily accessible. After this is complete, the hungry come to the church to receive some portion of these canned goods according to their specific needs. The church continues this process every week of every year, and often, some of the same hungry groups of people come to have their share of the charities.

This is an example of welfare in a positive light. If people looked at welfare in this way, who could argue against it? Well, that is exactly the point that is coming a crossed: why won't the people getting food rations get a job?

The primary problem in welfare is not in the way it is done, but the way it is missused. Of course there are people who use the system that are honest, like J. R. R. Tolkien of The Hobbit. Tolkien speaks of the beauty in welfare, because without it, he would be unable to feed or house himself. Now, of course, he does not use it, but he used welfare appropriately. Others, however, use welfare as a way to keep themselves up without working. This group consists of the negatives in the welfare program. They do not treat the gift the way it was meant to be.

If we could look at these two points together, the good and the bad, we would see that there is a problem theoretically in the people, not the actual program. But if we look at this realistically, how can we change the people who use welfare wrongingly? Individual inspect each welfare recipient? It is just not possible. It is a matter of morals, not charts or graphs. So all we can do is keep it running, and hope welfare reaches the people who really need it more than all the others.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dam Collapse in Colorado

When the topic of the flood in Colorado came up in our Scholars discussion, I didn't know what to think. I have never faced much in my life according to death, loss of property, or loss of finances. Truly, I am blessed. I sometimes wish that I could relate to people so I have more of a right to give them  my condolences. After all, I've only been a kid recently-just a kid who doesn't understand what everyone else does. And now that I'm older, I can relate more, but alas... I cannot relate to a terrible occurrence I had in my own life. When the time comes and when I face something horrible, I wonder how I will take it.

Although I cannot share my own story, I do feel very passionate in making people feel better. It not only gives them a smile, but me a smile in return. Music Therapy is just the way to do this my whole life, where I can play music for people and give them a smile anytime I see it gone.

A trip to Colorado would be so beneficial and so much fun! We could help build after some of the water is gone during the winter or the spring. I think it would be a great experience we all would be grateful for too. Kelsey would lead the group, perhaps, and tell us where help may be needed most. Or, we could go through a help group already present in Boulder, Colorado and see what they would like us to do.

With all the problems we face as people, I hope there are people there to comfort them and help them get through.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Environment Hero

I am the Environment Hero. Recycling is my middle name. I know all there is to know with the environment, and all there is to know to save the world. With the help of my many sidekicks, all can be made well on this planet. Many of my sidekicks are listed here:

With the inspiration of Giora Kariv, an inventor and constructor, a bike can now be made entirely out of cardboard. This bike only costs $9 to $12 to build, and depletes the need for heavy metals. Bryce Edmonds has created a company called "ReCycle." This bike business manufactures bikes made from 100% recycled aluminum and can be purchased in one of three models. The factory takes 95% less energy and makes 95% less CO2 emissions than other bike factories. Spanish design studio “Lola Madrid” has followed a similar bike path. This creative crew has picked and sorted through car scraps to make reliable bikes. Recycled car parts are the main ingredients that put the bikes together for the brand "Bicycled," and these bicycles are really slick. "Frii" is another great bike company. These friends of mine make bikes made completely from recycled plastic. Mind you, it may look a bit... noticeable, but it saves much of the environment! It is good to keep in mind that a bike, in the idea of itself, is eco-friendly. And these bikes mentioned above are not just a nice way to skip a car ride, but they are physically environmentally smart in the way they are built, the scraps that make it so, and the mass distribution of them all.

In the spirit of the fight for the environment, Al Gore is a prime example of an activist for green. He doesn’t construct bikes made from tin foil, but he explains the negatives of fossil fuel emissions and the green house effect that the emissions cause. He has many charts, graphs, and pictures that question some of the validity of his speeches. But nevertheless, the eco-word must be brought to attention. Exaggerations or facts, we need to understand as an intelligent people that something is at hand in the world today, and riding a cardboard bike might make the world feel a little better.

Once again, I am the Environment Hero. If in need of environmental help of any sort, just put up the leaf light. I will be there as fast as my recycled bike can take me.


Movie: An Inconvenient Truth